Create ART Anywhere! Art, Art lessons, classes, creativity, Digital Art, Learning, mixed media, NewsIvette NewportNovember 7, 2016Apple, artist, collage, create, digital art, digital collage, Digital painting, iPhone, iphoneography, ivy newport, learning, mobile art, mobile art magic, online class, online learning, photography, procreate, workshop Comments
New Online Art Class - Lovely Dancer Art, art history, classes, Learning, mixed media, News, teaching, workshopIvette NewportOctober 28, 2016art class, artist, ballerina, ballet, creativity, degas, figure drawing, ivy newport, lovely dancer, Mixed media, online class, online learning, painting, pastelsComment
Vulnerability + love = JOY Art friends, Learning, Love, mixed media, nature, News, Student Work, teaching, Thoughts, TravelIvette NewportOctober 25, 2016Art, art retreat, artist, artists, Bainbridge Island, creativity, inspiration, ivy newport, joy, learning, Mixed media, nuture your creative seed, retreat, serena berry, travel, vulnerability, washington, workshop Comments
5 Day Autumn Sale Art, Art lessons, classes, creativity, Learning, mixed media, online class, teachingIvette NewportOctober 15, 2016art making, artist, class, crafts, drawing, fall sale, holiday, ivy newport, learning, Mixed media, online classes, online learning, painting, sale, workshop Comment
FREE Mixed Media & Encaustic Tutorial Art, Art lessons, classes, encaustic, free lesson, Learning, mixed media, teaching, tutorial, videosIvette NewportOctober 7, 2016Acrylic paint, art class, art retreat, artist, collage, color, creativity, Encaustic, inspiration, italian, Italy, ivy newport, learning, Mixed media, online class, online learning, orvieto, Paint, painting, travel, Visual ArtsComment
Winner - Let's Face It 2017 Art, classes, giveaway, Learning, mixed media, teachingIvette NewportOctober 6, 2016Acrylic paint, art class, art teacher, artist, creativity, face, ivy newport, learning, lets face it, Mixed media, online class, online learning, Paint, Portrait, portraits, workshopComment
Instagram Crush - Phillippa Stanton Art, art to adore, Beauty, Still lifeIvette NewportSeptember 15, 2016artist, color, creativity, Home, inspiration, Instagram, interior design, ivy newport, phillipa stanton, photography Comments
Come create with me in Italy! Art, Learning, mixed media, News, Travel, workshopIvette NewportJuly 18, 2016adventures in italy, art retreat, artist, artists, creativity, Encaustic, international, Italy, ivy newport, Mixed media, orvieto, painting, travel, Visual Arts Comment
Summer Solstice Sale Art, Art lessons, classes, Crafting, Digital Art, Learning, Love, mixed media, saleIvette NewportJune 20, 2016Acrylic paint, art class, artist, Arts, collage, color, crafts, creativity, digital art, ivy newport, learning, Mixed media, online class, online learning, Paint, painting, workshop Comments
Ask Ivy - Composition & Style Art, Ask IvyIvette NewportJune 9, 2016artist, artists, Arts, composition, creativity, inspiration, ivy newport, learning, Mixed media, online learning, painting, style, Visual Arts Comment
Ask Ivy - the Inner Critic & Life Balance Ask Ivy, Books, LearningIvette NewportMay 31, 2016Art, artist, artistic life, creative life, creativity, inner critic, inner hero, inspiration, ivy newport, learning, life balance, off balanceComment
Memorial Weekend Sale Art, classes, teachingIvette NewportMay 27, 2016Acrylic paint, artist, collage, creativity, inspiration, ivy newport, learning, memorial day sale, Mixed media, online class, Paint, painting, sale, Visual Arts, workshopComment
Ask Ivy Art, Art friends, Ask Ivy, Learning, mixed media, teachingIvette NewportMay 25, 2016artist, Arts, creative coach, creativity, inspiration, ivy newport, learning, Mixed media, online class, Paint, painting, q & a, Visual ArtsComment